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Presentation Planning Guide – Marilyn McDonald
TumbleBooks - Professional Study Day – August 24, 2011







Provide exciting cross curricular examples of TumbleBooks for media specialists to utilize as part of the updated library and core curriculum.  Create an opportunity for librarians to create curricular ties to the new curriculum and post to the bcpslibraryinformationservices wiki for 24/7 access of all media specialists.

Learn Video and Prior Knowledge Questions

Learn Vimeo

  • How does this video relate to you as a librarian? 
  • Does it inspire any thoughts for you? 
  • What are TumbleBooks? (Pretend a parent has asked you)
  • How have you used TumbleBooks?
  • What facets of TumbleBooks make them ideal for the library?
  • What facets are better for the classroom?

TumbleBook Response.ppt  

TumbleBook Response Group 1.pptx



The TumbleBook Library is a collection of TumbleBooks (animated, talking picture books) TumblePuzzles, and TumbleQuizzes, as well as TumbleResources for teachers. TumbleBooks are created from existing picture books which we have licensed from children's book publishers and converted to the TumbleBook format.


Today we will create a resource of TumbleBooks for all elementary librarians in Baltimore County to use as part of the new curriculum.  We will also add cross curricular TumbleBooks as they apply to all grade levels.

Impact on Student Achievement

TumbleBooks set high expectations of print, models book language, creates familiarity with written symbols and print conventions.  TumbleBooks also foster listening skills and de-contextualizing abilities (visualization / images).


From English Language Arts and Literacy Curricula, Grades K–2 


I. Key Criteria for Reading Foundations


3. Materials develop academic vocabulary prevalent in complex texts throughout reading, writing, listening, and speaking instruction.


From English Language Arts and Literacy Curricula, Grades 3–12 

I. Text Selection

 1. Text Complexity: 

  The Common Core State Standards require students to read increasingly complex texts with increasing independence as they progress. 


Student Learning

The lesson plans are designed to be both comprehensive and flexible in order to accommodate a broad range of reading abilities and classroom needs. Each lesson plan has an objective to help teachers choose which ones suit their needs best. Multiple lesson plans are available for some books.


Activity: Choose a grade level and create a TumbleBook idea sheet.  Use the TumbleBook Ideas Grade 2 word document below as a template, or change it in any way.  Email your work to me at mmcdonald3@bcps.org and I will create a bank of ideas for TumbleBooks - full credit will be given to you!

TumbleBook Ideas Grade 2.doc (template)

https://librarylessons.groupsite.com/login (Groupsite with updated Library Curriculum and Resources)

Core Content Alignment.doc (Amazing Core Content Alignment with Library Media Curriculum / all grade levels  / all subjects created by Sharon Grimes)

**Check back here for a compiled list of TumbleBook ideas as a takeaway activity from today!**

Reading and Writing Supports


Tumble Books reading supports include:

·         The opportunity to read aloud the books

·         Support if the student / class need the book read aloud

Send TumbleBooks or TumbleCards via e-mail, or students may read books online before sending them.


Tumble Books writing supports and ideas include:

·         Chances to review a book after they have read a TumbleBook


  • Online Book Reports Students can create their own book reports after reading a book. Fill out online form or print out.




Cross Curricular: TumbleBooks address several lessons (both fiction and non-fiction) that relate to a multitude of subjects and grade levels as addressed in the VSC.

ESOL / Multicultural: With the constant need for multicultural reading materials, TumbleBooks allows students of many cultures to view books that relate to their culture. With the search feature, students may want to search TumbleBooks that relate to their culture while at home.  Because of the close captioning feature, students can read the book as the pictures are being shown on their computer.  ESOL teachers will want to start using TumbleBooks for the same reason.

        The TumbleBooks Language Learning Section includes a growing selection of books in Spanish and French. Many are bilingual titles which allow the user to read the book in two languages.

      “I was showing one of the TumbleBooks to my cousin from Italy and she said it was great to help her learn some vocabulary as English is her second language.” -Georgette Ortiz, Hillcrest Elementary School

FALS / Special needs / Resource Teachers: The close captioning feature of TumbleBooks is a tool used in the library and in many classrooms on individual computers to create exciting and virtual learning.  A powerful idea would be to share and/or remind parents about TumbleBooks during IEP meetings and share passwords and log-on information.

Texts of Increasing Complexity

TumbleBooks offer an excellent opportunity for students to preview and enjoy books of differentiating and increased complexity.  TumbleBooks also expand the use of digital text in teaching and learning.  Vocabulary is part of the initiative of the core curriculum, and students will be able to use context clues and illustrations to help with more difficult vocabulary.


The TumbleBook Library provides enrichment to students who are reading independently with a variety of high interest material. It also provides support to students who require skill building with a variety of exercises that can be matched with other areas of the curriculum. TumbleBooks are a great addition to a reading program that can be worked on independently by each student or by the whole class.

Searching and Sorting

Navigating the Site:  You may want to explore the site by checking out all the books, games and features. You can view a TumbleBook by clicking on the ‘View Online' button or on the cover of the book. There are a number ways you can access a book:


Add your favorite title(s) to the My Favorites section for easy access any time. This feature is cookied onto individual computers.  The online search allows you to search by title, author, publisher, and language. In addition, you can search by reading levels: in both Automatic and Manual modes.

Digital Citizenship


TumbleBooks fosters digital communication of copyrighted books through the electronic exchange of information.  Digital literacy, the capability to use digital technology and knowing when and how to use it, is also reinforced by the use of TumbleBooks.




Tutorials and Resources for Librarians and Teachers

  • Lesson plans for each story on TumbleBooks!
  • Here is a TumbleBook Newsletter example you can use and modify for your school:

TumbleBook Newsletter.doc  

  • Want to wow your classroom teachers when you present TumbleBooks to your staff?  Show them the Educator's Resource section! 


  •  TumbleBook Club Tour:  (Perhaps show parents at Back To School Night - about 10  minutes)     


Marketing Materials

TumbleBook Library Tour - Found at the bottom of the TumbleBook page (about 30 minutes)


BSPS Overview of the Common Core Curriculum:




Futher Reading:

Roskos, K, Brueck J., &  Widman S. (2009).  Journal of   Interactive Online Learning. Investigating Analytic Tools for e-Book Design in Early Literacy Learning.  Retrieved August 22, 2011.  http://www.ncolr.org/jiol/issues/pdf/8.3.3.pdf



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